Develop Capability

Develop Capability allows the application developer to develop a capability that contains multiple SABRs that working together to provide the capability.

Activities Diagram


Extends Use Cases

Detail Scenarios

Scenario Build Capability

Build capability allows a DevOps engineer to build a capability that gets deployed into the ecosystem.

Scenario BuildCapability


  1. capability create –name myCapabilityB1 –file ./templates/capability.js
  2. aml cm/capability/build –name myCapabilityB1


Scenario Create Capability

Create Capability allows for a capability to be created in the ecosystem. A capability contains a set of SABRs that work together to provide specific solutions in the ecosystem.

Scenario CreateCapability


  1. capability create –name myCapability1 –file ./templates/capability.js
  2. capability create –name myCapability2 –file ./templates/capability.js


Scenario Release Capability

Release Capability allows a capability to be released which includes creating a package that contains a sat of signed and certified SABRs that talk to each other to deliver capabilities to the ecosystem. When the capability is released it contains a hash that can be checked when deployed.

Scenario ReleaseCapability


  1. capability create –name myCapabilityT1 –file ./templates/capability.js
  2. aml cm/capability/build –name myCapabilityT1
  3. aml cm/capability/test –name myCapabilityT1
  4. aml cm/capability/release –name myCapabilityT1


Scenario Test Capability

Test Capability allows DevOps Engineers to test a capability before it is released. This is part of the DevSecOps process.

Scenario TestCapability


  1. capability create –name myCapabilityT1 –file ./templates/capability.js
  2. aml cm/capability/build –name myCapabilityT1
  3. aml cm/capability/test –name myCapabilityT1
