
This policy is applied in the SABR to turn on and off channels based on a set of criteria. It also priortizes the Channels based on the set of criteria as well.

Logical Diagram


  • name:string - Name of the policy


Name Cardinality Class Composition Owner Description
channels n ChannelActivationItem true true  

Users of the Model

Name Cardinality Class Composition Owner Description
parent 1 ChannelActivationItem      

State Net

The ChannelActivationPolicy has a state net corresponding to instances of the class. Each state transistion will emit an event that can be caught with a websocket client. The name of the event is the name of the state in all lower case. The following diagram is the state net for this class.

State Net Diagram

Name Description Events
Init Initial State create->Enabled,
Enabled The state is enabled and ready to be activated based on the triggering criteria and events. activate->Active, disable->Disable,
Disable The state is disabled and will not trigger enable->Enabled,
Active The policy is currently actively being enforced. Which means that the trigger event occured and the criteria have been met. deactivate->Enabled,


Method Details