ailtire note

Manage notes and items associated with the architecture, including operations like creation, updates, and accepting/rejecting items for artifact generation.


ailtire note <command> [args]
ailtire note acceptItems --note <string> --items <string>
ailtire note generate --prompt <string>
ailtire note get --id <string>
ailtire note list --json <undefined>
ailtire note rejectItems --note <string> --items <string>
ailtire note update --id <string>


The note command provides tools to manage notes and related operations for artifact generation in the architecture. Users can create, update, retrieve, and list notes. Additionally, it supports accepting or rejecting items for artifact generation as part of the architectural design process.



  • Usage:
    ailtire note acceptItems --note <string> --items <string>
  • Description: Accepts specific items associated with a note for artifact generation within the architecture.


  • Usage:
    ailtire note generate --prompt <string>
  • Description: Generates items in the architecture based on the provided prompt.


  • Usage:
    ailtire note get --id <string>
  • Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific note using its ID.


  • Usage:
    ailtire note list --json <undefined>
  • Description: Lists all notes in the system, optionally outputting the result in JSON format.


  • Usage:
    ailtire note rejectItems --note <string> --items <string>
  • Description: Rejects specific items associated with a note, preventing their usage in artifact generation within the architecture.


  • Usage:
    ailtire note update --id <string>
  • Description: Updates the information of a specific note using its ID.


Example 1: Accept items for a note

ailtire note acceptItems --note "note123" --items "item1,item2,item3"

Example 2: Generate architectural items

ailtire note generate --prompt "Create architecture components for the design"

Example 3: Get a specific note by ID

ailtire note get --id "note123"

Example 4: List all notes in JSON format

ailtire note list --json

Example 5: Reject items for a note

ailtire note rejectItems --note "note123" --items "item4,item5"

Example 6: Update a note

ailtire note update --id "note123"


  • The acceptItems and rejectItems commands allow for fine-grained control over artifact generation by managing associated items.
  • Use the generate command to dynamically generate new architecture items with a specified prompt.
  • The list command outputs all notes and supports JSON formatting for easier integration with other tools.
  • Ensure accurate IDs are provided when using the get and update commands for notes.

See the Command Line Interface for more command documentation.