
Manage ailtire applications. this includes the creation of an application, generating documentation, building, installing, uninstalling and check the status of the application.


ailtire <command> [args]

ailtire action <command> [args]
ailtire actor <command> [args]
ailtire app <command> [args]
ailtire category <command> [args]
ailtire deployment <command> [args]
ailtire device <command> [args]
ailtire environment <command> [args]
ailtire implementation <command> [args]
ailtire method <command> [args]
ailtire model <command> [args]
ailtire note <command> [args]
ailtire package <command> [args]
ailtire scenario <command> [args]
ailtire usecase <command> [args]
ailtire useractivity <command> [args]
ailtire workflow <command> [args]


The ailtire framework is used to create applications and architecture elements in the framework. This includes the creation of Packages, Use Cases, Actors, Scenarios, Models, and Actions in the architecture.

  • ailtire app - Manage the creation, installation, and documentation of an application.
  • ailtire action - Manage actions in the architecture. Actions are used to perform scenarios in the application.
  • ailtire actor - Manage actors in the architecture. Actors are tied to Use Cases and use the system through te use cases.
  • ailtire category - Manage categories of workflows in the process architecture.
  • ailtire deployment - Manage deployments of software and hardware in the deployment architecture.
  • ailtire device - Manage devices in the physical implementation layer of the architecture.
  • ailtire environment - Manage environments in the implementation and deployment layers of the architecture.
  • ailtire model - Manage models in the architecture. Models represent the data model elements in the architecture.
  • ailtire note - This allows for the management of architectural notes in the architecture including generation of action items.
  • ailtire package - Manage packages in the architecture. Packages represent subsystems and their micro-services in the architecture.
  • ailtire scenario - Manage scenarios in the architecture. Scenarios are instances of usecases of the application and subsystems.
  • ailtire usecase - Manage use cases in the architecture. Use Cases are how actors interace with the application or subsystems.
  • ailtire useractivity - Manage user activities from workflows running in the system.
  • ailtire workflow - Manage workflows in the process layer of the architecture including execution.


The creation of the application directory structure is one of the most important aspects of the framework. For information on the directory structure see directory structure for more information.

See Also

Table of contents