ailtire app build

Build the containers for all of the microservices in the application definition.


# Build containers for the ailtire application
ailtire app build --name <build name>  --env <Environment name>


This command will build all of the container images for the micro-services defined in the deploy directory for the application and all of its packages and sub packages. In addition to micro-service container images being built, ailtire will build stack container images for each package in the architecture. See Deployment Strategy for more information.

Generated Artifacts

This command will create images for microservices and stacks. Each package gets a stack container image and each microservice defined in the deploy directory for each package will get a container image.

For example take the following directory structure for the application “myapp”:

./api # the solution stack of the application.
./api/MyPackage/deploy/mservice1 # mservice1 micro-service
./api/MyPackage/deploy/mservice2 # mservice2 micro-service
./api/MyPackage/deploy/mservice3 # mservice3 micro-service
./api/MyPackage/SubPackage/deploy/mserviceA # mserviceA micro-service
./api/MyPackage/SubPackage/deploy/mserviceB # mserviceB micro-service
./deploy # deployment strategy for the application
./deploy/mserviceZ # mserviceZ micro-service
./deploy/mserviceY # mserviceY micro-service

This will generate the following micro-services container images when ailtire app build is called.

  • myapp-mypackage-mservice1
  • myapp-mypackage-mservice2
  • myapp-mypackage-mservice3
  • myapp-mypackage-subpackage-mserviceA
  • myapp-mypackage-subpackage-mserviceB
  • myapp-mserviceZ
  • myapp-mserviceY

These images are used by stack container images to launch containers based on the defintions in the stack. Stack container images created are as follows:

  • myapp
  • myapp-mypackage
  • myapp-mypackage-subpackage

Each stack manages the container and subpackage stack containers under it. For example

  • myapp
    • myapp-mypackage
    • myapp-mserviceZ
    • myapp-mserviceY

See Also